DIY Arcade Cabinet

Finally a big dream of mine has come true. I built my own retro arcade cabinet! The whole parts cost about 700 euros. Since I am only a hobby craftsman and only have simple devices, it took a… Read More

Retro Game Console

I’ve build my own retro gaming console with internet radio. It’s based on the Raspberry Pi. The design is based on the Atari 2600 (1986 Version) Hackaday Entry :

ASCII Dungeon Crawler

This i a prototype of a Dungeon Crawler that uses my ASCII Game Engine. I never finished it

yAmiga finished

A dream came finally true! I made my own Amiga game database application. Now i can easily manage, discover and play my favourite games with a single click

A program for my son

I wrote a program for my son to teach him the basics of math in a funny way. I’ve created my own C++ engine based on SDL that lovely simulates an old text mode client (in a 3D… Read More